Q: Who is Safe Air Home ?
Indoor Air Quality, or IAQ, is a major concern as people seek to remain safe from COVID in their homes and workplaces.
Not your traditional heating and air conditioning company, Safe Air Home is an environmental home-safety company focused on purifying the air and disinfecting surfaces where you live and work. Safe Air Home cleaning products and sanitizers offer your family an effective, affordable, and safe defense against microscopic biological threats.
Q: What is HALO-LED™ ? (Video)
The HALO-LED™ integrates into your existing central heating & air conditioning (HVAC) system to be a cost effective, safe, and proactive way to clean every cubic inch of air and every square inch of exposed surface in your home or business. The Patented, Tested, and Validated Technology has been scientifically proven to kill most Viruses (including COVID-19), Bacteria, Germs and mold as well as reduce Allergens, Odors, VOCs, Dust, Dander and Smoke. It incorporates the same technology used by the Healthcare & Food Preparation Industries, Schools, Governments, Hotels, and the Entertainment Industries. The HALO-LED™ is manufactured by RGF® Environmental Group Inc., a world leading manufacture of a range of air purification and filtration products for residential, commercial, and healthcare applications.
Q: What does HALO-LED™ Do? (Video)
The HALO LED proactively sanitizes every square inch of exposed surface and purifies every cubic inch of air-conditioned space, clearing your home or business of airborne and surface contaminants. It is proven effective against all three categories of indoor air pollutants: particulates, microbial, and gases. The HALO LED easily installs into your existing HVAC system. When the blower turns on it activates the unit producing ionized hydro-peroxide molecules that are distributed into the entire airspace of your home or business, NOT just one room. Every time a hydro-peroxide molecule comes into contact with contaminants, it quickly breaks down and destroys them, restoring the air to its clean natural state and sanitizing all exposed surfaces. The system also uses positive and negative ions to charge the air, causing dust, dander, pollen, and other particulates to stick together making your existing air filter more efficient at capturing these particles.
Q: Is HALO-LED™ a filter?
The REME HALO® pro-active air purification system neutralizes viruses (including COVID-19), bacteria, mold and allergens within your conditioned space. It eliminates the need for these particles to circulate through expensive filters or UV systems. You can eliminate the ongoing expense of HEPA and/or carbon filters as there is no need for an air filter system in each room of your space. The HALO-LED™ is a cost effective, safe, and effective way to clean every cubic inch of air and every square inch of exposed surface in your home or business. It easily integrates into your existing central heating & air conditioning (HVAC) system.
Q: What is COVID–19?
SARS-CoV-2 virus, commonly known as the Coronavirus 2019 or COVID-19 is the newest infectious disease from the Coronavirus family. According to the World Health Organization, “Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS - CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS - CoV).” This new virus was unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.” COVID–19 has killed over 1.68 million and infected over 76 million people worldwide with no slowdown in site. The US is seeing around 250,000 new infections every day (Dec 2020).
Q: Can HALO-LED™ kill COVID-19?
On October 26th, 2020 a third-party study revealed that the REME HALO® (predecessor to the HALO-LED™) active air purification system testing, showed the airborne SARS-CoV-2 virus, commonly known as the coronavirus 2019 or COVID-19, was significantly neutralized with a 99.9% efficacy, within the occupied space. This reduces the risk of person to person infection by respiratory particles and aerosols. The testing, performed at the Innovative Bioanalysis Laboratories in Cypress, CA., looked at neutralizing the virus within the occupied space in the air and on surfaces. The test procedure used the SARS-CoV-2 virus inside a large chamber (1,280 cu. ft.) representing a real-world 12’ x 12’ air-conditioned room. The virus was nebulized into the space simulating a sneeze or cough from an infected person. Within an hour the REME HALO® operating inside the chamber neutralized the virus resulting in a 99.9% reduction within the simulated real-world space. Currently we are waiting on testing results specifically for the HALO-LED™ that uses the same PHI-Cell® technology found in the REME HALO
*DISCLAIMER: The summary and any comments herein are based on the results from an independent laboratory study performed under controlled conditions and are not in any way medical claims. The product(s) and technologies described are not medical devices and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, virus or illness.
Q: Will the HALO-LED™ help with allergies?
The HALO-LED™ is designed to integrate into your central heating and air conditioning (HVAC) system to be a cost effective, safe, and proactive way to clean every cubic inch of air passing through your home or business. It will eliminate or reduce common allergy triggers from particulates such as pollen, mold spores, dander and dust. It also helps with odors from cooking, pets, dirty socks, diaper pails, and musty rooms.
Q: Is it safe?
The HALO-LED™ is the industry’s first LED in-duct, whole home and building air purification system that is both mercury free and zero ozone compliant which meets the CARB requirements for sale in California. The HALO-LED™ generates ionized hydro-peroxides (H2O2), super oxide ions and hydroxide ions, that neutralize indoor air pollutants such as bacteria, viruses (including COVID-19), mold, gases (VOCs), odors, pollen, dust, and other airborne particles. Hydro-peroxides have been a common part of the earth’s environment for over 3.5 billion years as they are naturally created in our atmosphere whenever three components are present: Oxygen molecules, water vapor and energy (electromagnetic). Considering we have been exposed to hydro-peroxides naturally in nature there is no known health risk caused by this technology that has been successfully used for over 20 years, in more than four million Advanced Oxidation products worldwide.
Q: How it works: - The technical stuff
The HALO-LED™ easily installs into your existing HVAC system. It proactively sanitizes every square inch of exposed surface and purifies every cubic inch of air within your home or business, NOT just one room. This cleansing process of airborne and surface contaminants is accomplished by using several technologies including: * RGF’s patented PHI- Cell® & REME® technologies (see REME and PHI FAQ). * Bi-Polar Ionization (see Ionization FAQ) using a patent pending, automatic self-cleaning, carbon fiber brush Ionizer. * A patent pending REME-LED™ that includes a new washable hybrid hydrophilic ceramic catalyst. When the HVAC blower turns on it activates the HALO-LED™ producing ionized hydro-peroxide molecules. Every time a hydro-peroxide molecule comes into contact with contaminants, it quickly breaks down and destroys them, restoring the air to its clean natural state and sanitizing all exposed surfaces. The system also uses positive and negative ions to charge the air, causing dust, dander, pollen, and other particulates to stick together making your existing air filter equipment more efficient at capturing these particles.
Q: What is REME (Reflective Electro Magnetic Energy)
REME® or Reflective Electro Magnetic Energy, uses an electromagnetic energy cell to create ionized hydro-peroxides (H2O2), a friendly oxidizer plasma made from oxygen and humidity. Ionized-hydro-peroxides are very effective at destroying harmful microbials in the air and on surfaces. As oxidants, they do this by either destroying the microbe through a process known as cell lysing or by changing its molecular structure and rendering it harmless (which is the case in VOCs and odors). Hydro-peroxides have been a common part of the earth’s environment for over 3.5 billion years. They are created in our atmosphere whenever three components are present: oxygen molecules, water vapor and energy (lightning). The REME® advanced oxidation technology component of the HALO-LED™ brings the same oxidants found in nature into the conditioned space of your home or business. The amount of hydro-peroxides required to accomplish this task in a conditioned space is well below the level that is constantly in our outside air.
Q: What is PHI- Cell® technology?
Photohydroionization® or (PHI) is an advanced oxidation technology developed by RGF Environmental Group to minimize and neutralize indoor air pollutants such as bacteria, viruses (including COVID-19), mold, gases (VOCs) and odors. The PHI- Cell® utilizes a high intensity UV-C light targeted on a hydrated quad-metallic catalyst surface. This target surface is covered with a proprietary quad-metallic and hydrophilic coating. The UV-C light reacts with the catalyst and moisture to produce an advanced oxidation plasma consisting of hydro-peroxides, super oxide ions and hydroxide ions. The PHI- Cell® component of the HALO-LED™ brings the oxidants found in the natural outside air into the conditioned space of your home or business. These friendly oxidizers revert back to oxygen and hydrogen once they come in contact and eliminate a pollutant.
Q: What does the ionizer do?
HALO-LED™ has the added benefit of reducing airborne dust and particles through bi-polar ionization which causes airborne particles to clump together to form larger, heavier particles, which in turn drop out of the air or are caught by your filter. The ionized-hydro-peroxides are also very effective at destroying harmful microbials in the air and on surfaces. As oxidants, they do this by either destroying the microbe through a process known as cell lysing or by changing its molecular structure and rendering it harmless (which is the case in VOCs and odors). The amount of hydro-peroxides required to accomplish this task in a conditioned space is well below the level that is constantly in our outside air.
Q: How long should I run my HVAC fan?
Unlike the industry standard for gas bulb UV lights, the HALO-LED™ is designed to turn on and off with the normal cycling of your HVAC system. The HALO-LED™ treats your indoor air and surfaces of your home or business when the HVAC (furnace fan) is on. It is recommended to leave your fan on continuously when you wish to provide the maximum Indoor Air Quality benefit. We recommend you sanitize your home for at least 8 hours a day or whatever time frame you are comfortable with for your peace of mind. The sanitizing process will only function as the air circulates through your home or business. If there are no occupants, the chances of new pathogens being introduced to your environment are low so the benefit of running the system may be reduced. Many of today’s newer HVAC systems have variable speed fans which run continuously in which case the system will provide the sanitizing benefits until you turn off the HVAC system.
Q: What is UV light?
Ultra-Violet (UV) is a short-wavelength energy, just above the visible light spectrum, and has three wavelength categories: UV-A (400 – 315 nm), UV-B (315 – 280nm), and UV-C (280 – 100nm). UV-A, and UV-B in moderation is what our skin reacts to giving us a tan, or sunburn and even cancer with over exposure. UV-C is harmful to our eyes and can readily cause damage to DNA in our skin.
Q: How is UV Light used with HALO-LED™
The UV light reacts with the catalyst and moisture to produce an advanced oxidation plasma consisting of hydro-peroxides, super oxide ions and hydroxide ions. The Advanced Oxidation Technology found in RGF’s REME product family has brought the oxidants found in the outside air into the conditioned space of your home or business. These friendly oxidizers will revert back to oxygen and hydrogen once they come in contact and eliminate the pollutant.
Q: Can I install the HALO-LED™ myself?
A qualified and certified HVAC technician must install the HALO-LED™. A qualified and certified HVAC technician must install the HALO-LED™ to assure that it will function properly and provide the full sanitizing effect throughout your home or business. It should be noted that there is NO warranty by the manufacture if the unit is not installed by a HVAC professional. Your current HVAC should also be serviced to assure proper airflow, and your duct work needs to be inspected to verify that all the treated air is arriving in the living areas of your home (and not escaping into non-living areas). We will also replace your current air filter with a high-efficiency filter so you can maximize the collection of dead pathogens and debris generated by the clumping process caused by the HALO-LED™. Of course, if any issues are found our technician will be happy to offer you a free quote to bring your HVAC system up to nominal operating efficiency and in most cases can make any repairs at the same time as the HALO-LED™ install.
Q: Warranty
RGF, the manufacture will warranty the unit for 7 years and the replaceable LED cell module for 4 years. This warranty is only available if the unit is installed by a qualified, and certified HVAC technician, and the warranty clock is started by notifying RGF of the install date. We will warranty the install for a minimum of 1 year or up to 5 years depending on your contract. Safe Air Home will send in the notification to RGF when we complete the install and we are the first point of contact if you have any questions, concerns or warranty needs. We can also help you with your general HVAC maintenance needs which will help keep the HALO-LED™ functioning at full capacity, protecting you and your family.
Q: Do I need a new HVAC filter?
The HALO-LED™ sanitizing process facilitates the clumping of any dead pathogens and debris circulating throughout your home or business. Safe Air Home will provide and install a standard high efficiency air filter in your HVAC system to collect this excess debris at the time of the HALO-LED™ installation. You will need to change this filter more often than normal. We recommend checking the filter weekly to gage how much material has been collected, especially if you have pets or someone smokes in your home. Once the system has been working for some time the frequency of filter replacement may slow down as there are fewer contaminants being processed by the air flow. There are washable filters available which will allow you to simply wash off the collected material and re-install the filter.
Q: How often will I need to replace my Air Filter?
The frequency of filter change depends on many factors specific to your home or business and your lifestyle. The easy answer is to check your filter weekly after you install the HALO-LED™. The sanitizing process facilitates the clumping of any dead pathogens and debris circulating throughout your home or business. This material will either fall to the ground when it is heavy enough (and be disposed of through the normal space cleaning process) or your filter will remove any material that remains airborne. The initial sanitizing of your space may require more frequent filter changes. Once this initial cleansing is complete you should notice the filter will last longer. The average filter replacement should be monthly unless you live with animals, or a smoker, or an environment with higher concentrations of contaminants, in which case more frequent replacements will be called for.
Q: Do I need a Central Air System to use the HALO-LED ™?
The HALO-LED™ can be installed into an existing HVAC system plenum, typically in the supply side (output) after the heating and cooling coils. If this location is not readily available, the unit can be placed in the return side (input) before the furnace fan. If your furnace is in the attic, closet, garage, or a package unit on the roof, there is a plenum that will accommodate the HALO-LED™. Homes with mini-split, wall or floor furnaces have no plenum in which to place the unit within the airstream. If you live in an older home that has not been converted to a central HVAC system and you wish to take advantage of the HALO-LED™ technology we can quote an estimate to install a new central HVAC “cut-in”, complete with plenum and ductwork that will allow you protect you and your family.
Q: Who is RFG?
RGF Environmental Group Inc., manufactures over 500 environmental products and has a 35+ year history of providing the world with the safest air, water and food without the use of chemicals. RGF is an ISO 9001:2015 certified research and innovation company, holding numerous patents for air purifying devices, wastewater treatment systems, and food sanitation systems. Situated in the heart of the Port of Palm Beach Enterprise Zone, RGF Headquarters span 9 acres, with 130,000 square feet of manufacturing, warehouse, and office facilities. RGF has recently upgraded their facilities, creating an increased vertical approach to manufacturing, further allowing the company to provide the highest quality and best engineered products on the market.